State of Florida
Jefferson County
Articles of agreement made and concluded this the tenth day of July AD 1867 near Waukanah in the State and County aforesaid, between Robt. R. Kincheon [sic], party of the first part, and the following names laborers viz. Robert Baker, Henry Clark, Henry Brown, Joe Williams, Randall Barer, John Jones, Matilda Gardner, Lige Jones, Candis Jones, Thomas Jones, all of the State and County aforesaid
Witnesseth that they said parties of the second part -- for the consideration herein after mentioned, do covenant and agree severally and individually, that they will labor upon the plantation owned by Wm. H. Arendell for the benefit of Robert. R. Kincheon [sic], party of the first part, from the first day of January AD 1867. That during said time, they will to the best of their knowledge, skill, and ability, faithfully serve the said party of the first part, performing the customary labor plantation laborers, such as tilling the soil, fencing, building and repairing houses, taking care of the stock and preparing the crop for market, etc. That they will labor from daylight until dark with the customary allowance of time about noon, viz.
And that they will not purloin, to the detriment of the party of the first part or the rightful owner thereof, any money or property of any description from the plantation above named, or entrusted their care. That they or either of them will not absent themselves from the plantation (Sabbath excepted) without the permission of the part of the first part or a majority of the laborers upon said plantation. That, in case of protracted illness there shall be no deduction of wages unless said illness should be protracted longer than six days. [crossed out] and over six days will be charged at the rate of one dollar per day.] All time lost necessarily will be charged at the rate of one dollar per day if without permission. The party of the second part, each and severally, agree to obey all orders given by the party of the first part in accordance with the above contract. Should any of the parties of the second part refuse to comply with the orders of the party of the first part, or become troublesome or refractory, he, she, or they shall be discharged by order of the party of the first part with the consent of the obedient part of the parties of the second part, and shall receive the wages due at the time of her, her, or their discharge. In consideration whereof the said party of the first party for himself and his executors and administrators, doth hereby agree that he will furnish to the parties of the second part, suitable houses for them to occupy during the time above specified, and as a compensation
For their faithful performance of labor upon the plantation, the said party of the first part agrees to give the said parties of the second part one third part of the cotton, corn, fodder, potatoes and syrup raised and housed by the said laborers on said plantation during the present year. And the said party of the first part further agrees to feed the parties of the second part until the first day of July AD 1867. And the balance of the year the said party of the second part will feed themselves. And the party of the first part further agrees to cultivate, or permit them to cultivate,
one and a quarter acres of land each in corn or cotton as they may choose, exclusively for their benefit. And the party of the 1st part agrees that no punishment shall be inflicted upon the parties of the second part except such as shall be in accordance with the laws of the land, and the provisions of this contract.
In witness whereof the said parties have hereunto set their hands and seals, this tenth day of July AD 1867. Signed sealed in presence of, viz:
John Jones [his X mark]
Henry Brown [his X mark]
Signed for his children (John, Lige, Thomas)
Randell Barer [his X mark]
Henry Clark [his X mark]
Robert Baker [his X mark]
Matilda Gardner [her X mark]
Joe Williams [his X mark]
Robt. R. Kinchen
Attest -
Mary A. Grantham
J Lary Brooks
It is further agreed that should any differences arise on account of this contract - between the parties to this contract - which cannot be mutually settled, that the same shall be submitted to a board of arbitration composed of two reliable citizens, one selected by each of the contracting parties & the agent of the B.R.F. & A.L. whose decision shall be final.
By order of Col. J. T. Sprague, A. Com.
A.B. Grumwell
Bt. Capt & A. Com B.R.F. & A.L.
No 217
Contracts of Laborers
R.R. Kincheon [sic]
Portion of Crops
July 13th 1867
A.B. Grunwell
Bt. Capt. & A. Com, B.R.F. & A.L.