Distant Storm: Florida's Role in the Civil War
A Sesquicentennial Exhibit
Correspondence Concerning Abolitionist Jonathan Walker
Series: (Series 177, Territorial Governors’ Correspondence, 1820-1845)
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Civil War
Executive Department
Tallahassee Febry. 15th 1845
To the Senate and House of Representatives,
With my opening message, I submitted a letter from the Secretary of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts in relation to a certain Jonathan Walker convicted of stealing negroes, and who was then, and is now, confined in the Jail of Pensacola for said outrage; to which I again particularly invite your attention, in connection with the accompanying letters which I received by the last mail from the Marshal of the U. States for the Western District of Florida. From their perusal you will see that the “British and Foreign anti-slavery society for the abolition of slavery and the slave-trade throughout the world” has been clandestinely cooperating with the authorities of Massachusetts in fiendish machinations against our domestic institutions. “
Under such circumstances, farther forbearance on our part not only ceases to be a virtue, but would be in effect an abandonment of our vital interests. I therefore recommend the subject to your dispassionate investigation, with a decided opinion on my own part, that the time has arrived, when Florida has a right, nay would be false to herself were she not, to demand from the Federal Government a prompt enforcement of the guarantees of the Federal Constitution.
I have the honor to be,
Your Ob’t Sr.
Jn Branch
As the Original Letters are herewith sent, the Hon.b Senate will please transmit them to the House of Representatives after such orders shall be given, as are deemed necessary concerning them, together with this communication. Jn. B.