Distant Storm: Florida's Role in the Civil War

A Sesquicentennial Exhibit

"A Good Cause Calls You"

Series: (N2005-9)

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Civil War


Dear Pittman.
My associations with you both as a Student and a friend, make me feel sad at your Departure. A good cause calls you: may you bear it boldly. Let your motto be—“take yer fote off of mi nek.”—and “never flicker”; but mind that you do not get in “the lion’s den.” Such Pittman would be a calamitious thing. Always stand to that tri-striped rag, called the Sou. Con. Flag. Do not let your epaulets make you forget the Happy hours of jollity and fun which have Relieved the monotony of our college life. . . .

Yours in the bonds of the E.X.

Harry St. John Dixon
Washington Co.
C. S. of A.


U. of V.
Apr 19th 1861.