Photo Exhibits
Photo exhibits spotlight various topics in Florida history, and are accompanied by brief text intended to place selected materials in historical context.
Spanish-American War
In 1898 national attention focused on Florida as the Spanish-American War began. The port city of Tampa served as the primary staging area for U.S. troops bound for the war in Cuba. The arrival of over 30,000 troops, including Lieutenant Colonel Theodore Roosevelt and his Rough Riders cavalry unit, changed Tampa from a small town into a city.
Florida, the closest state to the Caribbean and home to a large Cuban immigrant population, became the setting for much of the action in Cuba's fight for independence from Spain.
Company B of the 21st Infantry on a dusty march during the Spanish-American war (1898)
Image Number: RC20113
9th U.S. Cavalry embarking for Cuba: Port Tampa, Florida (1898)
Image Number: RC04841
Captain Curry of the Rough Riders: Tampa, Florida (1898)
Image Number: PR10253
Loading horses onto railroad cars at Port Tampa during the Spanish-American war (1898)
Image Number: RC06502
Spanish-American war camp scene: Tampa, Florida (1898)
Image Number: RC03722
Colonel and Mrs. William Jennings Bryan in a tent under the live oaks: Jacksonville, Florida
Image Number: RC02394
Cannons being loaded on transport preparing to sail to Cuba for the Spanish-American war: Tampa, Florida
Image Number: RC02410
3rd Nebraska Volunteers marching on the beach: Pablo Beach, Florida (1898)
Image Number: RC03606
Spanish-American War officer on a mule (1898)
Image Number: PR10243
The Battle of Quasimas near Santiago, June 24th, 1898. The 9th and 10th Colored Calvary in support of Rough Riders (1898)
Image Number: RC10398