Florida Memory is administered by the Florida Department of State, Division of Library and Information Services, Bureau of Archives and Records Management. The digitized records on Florida Memory come from the collections of the State Archives of Florida and the special collections of the State Library of Florida.

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The Jefferson County Freedmen's Contracts
Browse by Name
Each freedmen's contract in the collection identifies an employer or employers, along with the laborers they hired to work the land. The employers could be landowners or agents authorized by the landowner to hire sharecroppers. The laborers named in these contracts were almost certainly all African-American, although it should be noted that whites sometimes participated in sharecropping and tenant farming as laborers also. Use the search box to search for a name or plantation, or use the tabs and drop-down menu to browse the lists of employers and laborers in the collection.
- Aberdeen
- Acerman, Ned
- Adams, Peter
- Adkins, Govenor
- Adlerman, Levi
- Alabama, Martha
- Alexander, Sylva
- Allen, Dick
- Allen, Elizy
- Allen, Joe
- Allen, Rose
- Amos, Madison
- Anderson, Ann
- Anderson, Benjamin
- Anderson, Bob
- Anderson, George
- Anderson, Moses
- Anderson, Tom
- Andrews, Harry
- Ann, A.A.
- Applewhite, Berry
- Atkins, Isabella
- Atkinson, James
- Atkinson, Lisborn
- Atkinson, Sumter
- Austin, William
- B., Randall
- B., Squire
- Baker, Robert
- Barfield, Minty
- Barkum, Granhill
- Bawkin, Jacob
- Beard, Jerry
- Beard, Jerry Jr.
- Bell, Joshua
- Bellamy, Anthony
- Bellamy, Brandy
- Bellamy, Gibb
- Bellamy, Jake
- Bellamy, James
- Bellamy, Prince
- Bellamy, Toney
- Ben Gibbes
- Bevel, May
- Bevel, S.
- Binyard, Lewis
- Binyard, Martha
- Blacker, Charles
- Blacker, Clare
- Blacker, Jesse
- Blacker, William
- Blake, Harriet
- Blake, Prince
- Blake, W.
- Blocker, Charles
- Blocker, Class
- Blocker, Jessie
- Boman, William
- Booth, Jack
- Boston, Clayborn
- Bowie, Alfred
- Bowie, E.
- Bowie, Henry
- Bowie, Richard
- Bradley, John
- Brannen, Henry
- Bridgers, Alec
- Bridgers, Solomon
- Bridgers,Benjamin
- Brooking, Allen
- Brooking, Ben
- Brooking, Simmeon
- Brooking, Thomas
- Brooks, N.
- Brown, Henry
- Brown, Luvenia
- Bryant, Albert
- Bryant, Frank
- Bryant, Mary
- Bryant, Matilda
- Bryant, Pinckney
- Bryant, Wesley
- Burnett, Edwin
- Burnett, Lee
- Burnett, Luann
- Burnett, Morgan
- Burnett, Ned
- Burry, A
- Burry, Gamable
- Burry, Mary
- Burry, May
- Butler, Ailsey
- Butler, Luke
- Butler, Mark
- Butler, Napolian
- Butler, Soloman
- Cain, A.
- Cain, Charles
- Cain, Fannie
- Cain, Robert
- Cain, Sam
- Cain, Wade
- Callaway, Zachariah
- Caraway, Thomas
- Chambers, Edward
- Chambers, R.
- Cheatam, Pearse
- Chesley
- Chrisholm, Joseph
- Clark, Henry
- Clark, Nathan
- Clark, Sarah Jane
- Cloud, Albert
- Cloud, Caroline
- Cloud, Charles
- Cloud, Edny
- Cloud, Pinkney
- Cloud, Sarah
- Cole, Anthony
- Cole, F.
- Cole, Harriet
- Cole, Harrison
- Cole, Nathan
- Cole, Sophia
- Cole, Tucker
- Coleman, George
- Collins, Abbie
- Collins, Lissie
- Collins, Livinia
- Copelan, Hector
- Copelan, Polly
- Corwehis, William
- Coswell, Joe
- Coyl, Martin
- Crocket, David
- Gallon, B.
- Gallon, Edward
- Gallon, Louisa
- Gallon, Maria
- Gardner, Butler
- Gardner, Jolly
- Gardner, Matilda
- Gergers, Bob
- Gergers, Coleman
- Gettis, Frank
- Gilett, Caesar Junius
- Gilmore, Dick
- Glen, Peter
- Glouster, Bill
- Gloves, Tom
- Goodlet, Cindy
- Goodlet, Jerry
- Goodlet, Sarahann
- Graham, Lewis
- Gray, Lilla
- Green ,Eit
- Green, Dick
- Green, Frank
- Green, Love
- Green, Russ
- Griffin, Sarah
- Griffin, Smith
- H., Robert
- Hadley, Peter
- Hagan, Daniel
- Hagan, Mann
- Hagan, Moses
- Hagan, Oren
- Hagan, William
- Hagen, Gabriel
- Haisten, Moses
- Hall, Caroline
- Hall, Charles
- Hall, Harry
- Hall, Richard
- Hames, William
- Hamilton, Elie
- Hamilton, Jack
- Hamilton, Julia
- Hamilton, Mary
- Hamilton, Nancy
- Harass, Chance
- Harass, Laurah
- Harclus
- Harris, George
- Harris, Jim
- Harris, Peggy
- Harris, Susan
- Harris, Thomas
- Harris, Tolly
- Harrison, Ellen
- Harrison, Henry
- Harrison, Jim
- Harrison, Lyman
- Harrison, Mary
- Hart, Charlie
- Hart, Mark
- Henry Clay
- Henry, John
- High, Ephraim
- High, Isaac
- High, Joseph
- High, Richard
- High, Stephen
- Hill, Adam
- Hill, Hunter
- Hill, Sophia
- Hillard, James
- Hines, Samual
- Hines, Laura
- Hix, Jim
- Holley, Lewis
- Holsey, Miles
- Homes, Ellinder
- Hooker, Jack
- Howell, John
- Howell, Matilda
- Howell, Peter
- Howell, Thomas
- Hughes, D.
- Hunter, Grffin
- Hunter, H
- Hunter, Lester
- Hunter, Prince
- Hunter, Randall
- Hutchinson, Ben
- Hutson, Jack
- J., Christopher
- J., Daniel
- Jackson, Jessie
- Jackson, Martha
- James, Jacob
- Jaynes, Nathan
- Jenkins, Hezekiah
- Jinlack, John
- Jinlack, Mary
- Johnson, Hardy
- Johnson, Hinston
- Johnson, J.
- Johnson, Jerry
- Johnson, Richard
- Johnson, Sam
- Johnson, Toney
- Jonas
- Jones, David
- Jones, Elija
- Jones, Elija Jr.
- Jones, Francis
- Jones, Gim
- Jones, Jackson
- Jones, Jim
- Jones, John
- Jones, Moses
- M., Aaron
- Madison, Elizabeth
- Madison, Henry
- Manger, Henry A.
- Maria, Ann
- Marks, Lewis
- Marks, William
- Marry, Dandy
- Martin, Keziah
- Martin, Sam
- Mary
- Massey, Alden
- Massey, Amelia
- Mathew, Robert
- May, Henry
- May, Tention
- McCleod, Mack
- Mcghee, Elie
- McIntosh, Cain
- McIntosh, Sylvestor
- McLeod, Harry
- McMillan, Sarah
- McPhersan, Aiken
- McPhersan, Jacob
- McQueen, Brinson
- McQueen, Henry
- McQueen, Sam
- Mindsey, Peter
- Mini
- Mitchel, Ann
- Mitchel, B.
- Mitchel, Bob
- Mitchel, George
- Mitchel, John S.
- Mitchel, M.
- Mitchel, Nathan
- Mitchel, Robert
- Mitchell, Jerry
- Mitchell, Johnny
- Mitchell, Louisa
- Mitchell, Prince
- Mitchell, Rebecca
- Mobley, Henry
- Monroe, Abram
- Moore, Harriet
- Moore, Martha
- Moore, Pilina
- Moore, Samuel
- Moore, Stephen
- Morris, Jake
- Morris, Nat
- Murphy, Alfred
- Murphy, John
- Randolph ,Talton
- Randolph, Jennie
- Randolph, N.
- Randolph, P.
- Randolph, Taylor
- Randolph, Tom
- Randolph, Toney
- Randolph, Tyler
- Rayford, Issac
- Reddick, Aaron
- Redick, Redden
- Reed, Andrew
- Reed, Francis
- Reed, Georgianna
- Reed, Hannah
- Reeves, Charles
- Rice, Frisbee
- Richardson, George
- Ritchey, Wade
- Roach, Dennis
- Roach, Peter
- Robertson, Patience
- Robinson, China
- Rose, Amos
- Roundtree, Ben
- Rudy, Sarah
- Rudy, Smith
- Rudy, T.
- Rudy, Tom
- S., Lottie
- S., Wylie
- Sage, Joshua
- Sanders, Elbert
- Sanders, Willy
- Sandridge, Kent
- Saunders, Bentley
- Saunders, Bunell
- Saunders, Harvard
- Saunders, Jonas
- Saunders, Maria
- Saunders, Pinley
- Saunders, Rossetta
- Scott, Adam
- Scott, Bob
- Scott, Edmond
- Scott, Grantison
- Scott, Martha
- Scott, Richard
- Scott, Turner
- Scripps, Sam
- Seward, Nice
- Seward, Sampson
- Shackelford, Maria
- Shakespeare, Mansen
- Shorter, Frederick
- Simkins, Isaac
- Simkins, Victory
- Singleton, Amos
- Siplin, Israel
- Siplin, William
- Slater, Jefferson
- Small, Alfred
- Small, Henry K.
- Smith, Cary
- Smith, Julia
- Smith, Lewis
- Smith, Thomas
- Smith, Washington
- Sprague, Hester
- Spy, Thomas
- Steen, D.
- Stephens, Cruse
- Stevens, Hannah
- Stevens, Rube
- Stokes, Antney
- Strather, Hester
- Strather, Louis
- Straws, David
- Sutton, London
- T., Henry
- Taylor, Bob
- Taylor, Braxton
- Taylor, Charlie
- Taylor, Green
- Taylor, Issac
- Taylor, J.
- Taylor, John
- Taylor, Kate
- Taylor, William
- Taylor, Willis
- Thomas, William
- Thompson, Alexander
- Thompson, Peter
- Tison, Allen
- Tison, George
- Tison, John
- Tolbut, Cyris
- Toombs, Edward
- Turner, H.
- Turner, Jordan
- Turner, M.
- Turner, Robert
- Turner, Robin
- Wade, Robbie
- Walker, Ben
- Walker, Caroline
- Walker, John
- Walker, Joseph
- Walker, Paul
- Walker, Peggy
- Walker, Phillis
- Walker, Reid
- Walker, Richard
- Walker, Sally
- Walley, Jerry
- Washington, Bella
- Washington, Ben
- Washington, George
- Washington, Henry
- Washington, Wash
- Watkins, Henry
- Watkins, Mariah
- Watty, Issac Taylor
- Weltus, Henry
- Weston, Arlen
- Whaley
- White, Ben
- White, Robin
- White, Smart
- White, Steven
- Whitfield, Epsy
- William, Charles
- Williams, Albert
- Williams, Alice
- Williams, Ann
- Williams, Betty
- Williams, Caesar
- Williams, Caesar Jr.
- Williams, Cato
- Williams, Charles
- Williams, D.
- Williams, Dick
- Williams, Easter
- Williams, Frank
- Williams, Henry
- Williams, Jane
- Williams, Joe
- Williams, Mary
- Williams, Peggy
- Williams, Phillip
- Williams, Randy
- Williams, Robert
- Williams, Seely
- Williams, Susan
- Willson, R.
- Wilson, Caroline
- Wilson, Charity
- Wilson, Daphny
- Wilson, Emily
- Wilson, Frank
- Wilson, Jack
- Wilson, Smart
- Winn, Thompson
- Wood, Wesley
- Woods, George
- Woods, Hannah
- Woods, Hariett
- Woods, Moses
- Wooten, Simon
- Wynn, Sidney