Welcome to Florida Memory
Promotional Items
Do you enjoy using Florida Memory? Help spread the word about this valuable resource by requesting and using Florida Memory promotional materials. Individuals and organizations alike may request our brochures, mousepads, CDs and other items for personal use or for professional or educational purposes. Send your request for any of the items below to archives@dos.myflorida.com, or contact the State Archives Reference Desk at 850.245.6719. Quantities may be limited depending on supply availability. All items are shipped free of charge.
Florida Memory Mousepad (Greetings From Florida Design)

This fun and colorful mousepad will liven up your workspace while reminding you that the vast resources of Florida Memory are just a click away. The vintage postcard design features iconic images touching on many aspects of Florida's rich history and culture.
Florida Memory Mousepad (Genealogy Design)

This mousepad represents the State Archives' commitment to expanding public access to family history resources through Florida Memory. Examples of our most frequently used resources are incorporated into the design.
Each CD features music from the Florida Folklife Collection. In addition to ordering CDs in hardcopy, you can download them in their entirety from Florida Memory. Click on the images to read liner notes and download individual tracks or complete albums.

From "Shove It Over," a WPA recording of a work song performed by Zora Neale Hurston, to "Orange Blossom Special," performed by Gamble Rogers and Will McLean, this compliation spans 50 years of Florida folk music.

Old-time string band music and bluegrass music have deep roots in Florida. The selections on this disc are from groups that range from amateurs to seasoned professionals– inlcuding the "Father of Bluegrass Music" himself, Bill Monroe.
"Focus on Florida: Photography in the Sunshine State" – Poster
This 16x20 inch poster highlights one of the earliest known photographs of Florida, an 1849 Key West daguerreotype, as well as the State Archives' vast Florida Photographic Collection and the history of the photographic process.
"What Will YOU Discover on Florida Memory?" – Poster
This 16x20 inch poster features over 200 key Florida topics, concepts and places, arranged in the shape of the Sunshine State. Photos, documents or other resources for all of these terms are available on the Florida Memory website.
Florida Memory Brochures
This brief introduction to Florida Memory is perfect for distributing at libraries, schools, conferences, museums, historical societies, or anyplace Florida history and culture is a topic of interest.