A Guide to Researching the Territorial Era
at the State Archives of Florida

County Records
The State Library and Archives holds several series of records created by the various counties that existed during the Territorial Era. Most of these records are deeds, court proceedings, probate orders and other documents of a local nature. Most of the series are actually microfilm copies of the originals still held by local clerks of the county courts. In a few cases, the originals have been transferred to the State Archives.
This guide provides the name and a description of each collection or series, plus its identification number, which is hyperlinked to its record in the Archives Online Catalog. Once inside the catalog record, you can access a list of the volumes, boxes or folders that make up the collection or series.
Keep in mind that many of today's counties were once part of other larger counties. This list uses the county names in existence during the Territorial Era.
L 86: Alachua County Deed Records, 1826-1928
The microfilmed records in the series include a book of records for land only (1826-1848), deed record books (1846-1887), indexes to deeds (1886-1928), and revised indexes to deeds for grantee and grantor (1846-1886). Deed record book F was apparently skipped in the alphabetical sequence of books; however, no information is missing.
L 87: Alachua County Probate Records, 1828-1948
The series consists of a microfilm copy of probate records of Alachua County, Florida from 1848 to 1948. The materials include a record of wills, bonds and letters, administrator's bonds, inventories, appraisements, settlements, an index of estates and an index to adjudicated cases. Only some of the materials are indexed.
L 88: Alachua County Marriage Records, 1837-1930
The series consists of a microfilm copy of the marriage records of Alachua County, Florida from 1837 to 1930. The records include marriage licenses (1837-1930), indexes to marriage license books A-H (1869-1916), and affidavits of marriage (1919-1920). The marriage licenses contain the names of the brides and grooms and the dates of marriage.
The affidavits of marriage book (1919-1920) also contain the names of the brides and grooms and marriage dates and, in some cases, lists the race and age of both parties as well as their parents' names and place of residence.
L 248: Calhoun County Tract Book, 1829-1900
The series consists of a microfilm copy of the tract book of Calhoun County, Florida from 1829 to 1900. The books document the sale of public land and include a description of the tracts, name of the purchaser, date of purchase, to whom patented and the date of the patent. The record book does not contain an index.
L 247: Clay County Tract Books, 1837-1893
The series consists of a microfilm copy of the tract books of Clay County, Florida from 1837 to 1893. The books document the sale of public land and include a description of the tracts, name of the purchaser, date of purchase, to whom patented and the date of the patent. Both volumes contain an index by township and range.
L 116: Dade County Marriage Records, 1840-1917
The series consists of a microfilm copy of the marriage records of Dade County, Florida from 1840 to 1917. The series includes marriage record books (1887-1892; 1905-1911), marriage registers (1889-1911), and indexes to marriage records (1889-1917). Marriage record books document when the couple applied for the marriage license, when they were married and who performed the ceremony. The marriage registers consist of a chronological listing of marriages from 1889 to 1911 and include the names of the bride and groom, race, who performed the ceremony, the ages of the bride and groom and the date they were married. What is labeled as Marriage Record Book 1 or A (1840-1885) actually contains a variety of records recorded by the County Clerk including some marriages.
L 122: Duval County Deed Records, 1822-1923
The series consists of a microfilm copy of the deed records of Duval County, Florida from 1822 to 1923. Virtually all Duval County land records were destroyed in the fire of May 3, 1901. As a result, this series includes the photostatic copies of the deed information abstracted by the Archibald Abstract Company rather than the actual records of the Clerk for that time period. Direct and reverse deed indexes for the years 1901 to 1923 are included and provide descriptions of the land as well as names.
L 123: Duval County Marriage Records, 1823-1963
The series consists of a microfilm copy of the marriage records of Duval County, Florida from 1823 to 1963. The series includes an index to marriage records (1823-1963), marriage record books (1823-1927), a register of marriages (1889-1931) and marriage license applications (1915-1927).
Record books document when the couple applied for the marriage license, when they were married and who performed the ceremony. Marriage registers were compiled from ministers and justices of the peace who were required to report all marriages they performed within the county. The registers document that a marriage took place and often contain only the name of the bride and groom and the date of the marriage.
Applications for marriage license document the applicants' names, age, race, birthplace, occupation and whether either of the applicants had previously been married. Applications sometimes included affidavits and once completed were often used as the marriage license, containing the date of the wedding and who performed the ceremony.
L 124: Duval County Probate Records, 1822-1922
This series contains a microfilm copy of the probate records from 1822 to 1922 of the County Court of Duval County, Florida. The documents include wills, letters of testamentary, orders, petitions, homestead exemptions (1851-1893), county court minutes (1834-1866), an index to plat books, probate packets and indexes to judgements and decrees. Most of the material is indexed.
L 14: Escambia County Marks and Brands Records, 1823-1890
This collection contains a record of marks and brands from 1823 to 1890 maintained by the Escambia County Court Clerk's Office. The records list individual names and the particular mark and brand used to identify their property, particularly livestock.
L 125: Escambia County Deed Records, 1820-1910
The series consists of a microfilm copy of deed records of Escambia County, Florida from 1820 to 1910. The series includes deeds (1822-1901) and indexes by grantor and grantee (1810-1910). In the broadest sense, a deed (or conveyance) is a legal instrument by which real property is transferred from one party to another. Deed books contain many types of title conveyances and contracts. Among the most common type are warranty deeds, quitclaim deeds, and deeds of gift.
L 126: Escambia County Marriage Records, 1822-1927
The series consists of a microfilm copy of marriage records of Escambia County, Florida from 1822 to 1827. The record books document when the couple applied for the marriage license, when they were married and who performed the ceremony. Most volumes contain an index.
L 127: Escambia County Probate Records, 1832-1972
This series consists of a microfilm copy of probate records from Escambia County, Florida, from 1832 to 1972. The records include will books (1832-1929); order books (1871-1972); estate record books (containing oaths, orders, letters testamentary, and other probate records) (1871-1883); and designations of homesteads (contained in Order Book 1). Most of the records are indexed.
L 205: Escambia County Plat Book, 1827-1890
This series contains a microfilm copy of an Escambia County plat book from about 1827 to 1895. The book documents the area of West Florida, later Escambia County, as surveyed by the Surveyor General of the United States for the Territory of Florida and the State of Florida. The records include township survey maps and tables to the maps which describe the land, township, and range; areas designated for homesteads, railroads, and the government; names of individuals who were issued land; and the date the land was issued.
L 133: Franklin County Probate Records, 1832-1922
The series consists of a microfilm copy of probate records of Franklin County, Florida from 1832 to 1922. The records document the distribution of property after an individual's death. The documents include wills, estate inventories and orders of the County Court in reference to probate cases. Most of the records are indexed.
L 55: Gadsden County Probate Records, 1827-1946
The series consists of microfilmed copies of probate records of Gadsden County, Florida, from 1827 to 1946. The series includes will records (1827-1903); letters testamentary (1906-1933); general estate records (1832-1889); orders and judgements (1867-1903); estate inventories and appraisals (1834-1946); administration and guardianship records (1838-1938); homestead records (1874-1928); and an index to administration and guardian bonds and old settlements and appraisements. Some of the records contain an internal index as well.
L 135: Hamilton County Deed Records, 1831-1938
The series consists of a microfilm copy of the deed records of Hamilton County, Florida from 1831 to 1938. The series includes an indirect index to deeds (1837-1899) and deed record books (1836-1917). Each deed record book contains an index. In the broadest sense, a deed (or conveyance) is a legal instrument by which real property is transferred from one party to another. Deed books contain many types of title conveyances and contracts. Among the most common types are warranty deeds, quitclaim deeds, and deeds of gift.
Land Patent records have been serialized from L 135 and are now located in L 261. Tract Books have been serialized from L 135 and are now located in L 262.
L 136: Hamilton County Marriage Records, 1824-1956
The series consists of a microfilm copy of the marriage records of Hamilton County, Florida from 1824 to 1939. The series contains marriage records (1840-1955), a reverse and direct index to marriage licenses (1908-1934), a direct index to marriage licenses (1830-1831), and marriage license applications (1867-1950).
The series includes marriage licenses and indexes accessible by the grooms' names only, brides' names only or by both names. The Marriage Record, Book A (1840-1855) begins with the family Bible of Mrs. Palmer Smith and documents marriages while Florida was a territory and new state.
L 137: Hamilton County Probate Records, 1830-1947
This series consists of a microfilm copy of probate records for Hamilton County, Florida from 1830 to 1947. The series contains a record of wills (1919-1947), probate record books (1848-1916), miscellaneous record books (1873-1924), and estate records (1830-1915).
L 262: Hamilton County Tract Book, 1831-1901
The series consists of a microfilm copy of the tract book of Hamilton County, Florida from 1831 to 1901. The book documents the sale of public land and includes a description of the tract, name of the purchaser, date of the purchase, to whom patented and the date of the patent. The tract book does not contain an index.
L 23: Jackson County Tax, Court and County Records, 1820-1920
This collection consists of microfilmed copies of county records of Jackson County, Florida, from 1820 to 1920. There are several gaps in the records. The records reflect the County of Jackson at the time of its creation in 1822 and during Florida's early statehood. The collection consists of tax records, census statistics, court records, contracts, bonds, financial records and miscellaneous documents.
L 149: Jackson County Marriage Records, 1849-1973
This series contains a microfilm copy of marriage records of Jackson County, Florida from 1849 to 1973. The series contains marriage record books (1849-1955), marriage licenses (1849-1928), an index to the marriage records by the brides' names (1849-1883), and an index by the grooms' names (1849-1973). There is no index by brides' names after 1883. The documents note the names of the brides and grooms and the dates of marriage.
L 150: Jackson County Probate Records, 1826-1936
This series consists of microfilm copy of the probate records of Jackson County, Florida from 1826 to 1936. The series contains record of estate books and indexes (1840-1893), records of wills (1905-1921), estate files (1826-1885)and estate inventories (1899-1936).
L 42: Jefferson County Superior Court Case Files, 1828-1845
The series contains the files of cases heard before the Superior Court of Jefferson County for the Middle District of the Territory of Florida from 1828 to 1845. The files contain complaints; summons; petitions; orders; depositions and affidavits; decrees, verdicts and judgments rendered; and bills of costs.
L 57: Jefferson County Marriage Records, 1827-1954
This series consists of a microfilm copy of the marriage records of Jefferson County, Florida, from 1827 to 1954. The series includes marriage records (1827-1954), marriage licenses (1829-1927), and indexes to marriage records (1827-1891).
Marriage record books consist of the recorded copies of marriage licenses. They document when a couple applied for the marriage license, when they were married and who performed the ceremony. Several of the marriage record books contain their own internal indexes by the surnames of the grooms. For the years 1865 to 1872, there is a separate book and index for the marriage records of freedmen.
Marriage licenses are printed documents which the couple took to the individual who performed the wedding ceremony. That person filled out the portion of the license certifying that the marriage took place and the license was returned to the clerk of the court.
The indexes to marriage records are arranged by grooms' surnames. They list the bride and groom and the page on which their marriage record may be found.
L 58: Jefferson County Probate Records, 1838-1946
This series consists of a microfilm copy of the probate records of Jefferson County, Florida, from 1838 to 1946. The series includes loose probate files; wills, letters testamentary and letters of administration (1838-1924); inventories, appraisements and accounts of sales (1846-1927); annual reports of estates (1926-1927); account currents of executors, administrators and guardians (1853-1885); orders and decrees (1845-1927); petitions for dower sales and division of real estate and reports of commissioners (1845-1906); bond records (1873-1946); and a progress docket (1868-1917). Also included are order books from the County and Superior courts (1840-1881) and homestead exemptions (1870-1940).
L 59: Jefferson County Deed Records, 1825-1935
This series consists of a microfilm copy of the deed records of Jefferson County, Florida, ca. 1825 to 1935. The series includes deed records (1827-1900); grantor indexes to deeds (1827-1933); grantee indexes to deeds (1827-1933); lists of land sold for taxes (1861-1923); tax deed records (1889-1935); and a tract book (1825-1871).
L 232: Jefferson County Court Case Files, 1827-1920
The series contains the files of cases heard before the County Court of Jefferson County from 1827 to approximately 1920. The files contain complaints; summons; petitions; orders; depositions and affidavits; decrees, verdicts and judgments rendered; and bills of costs. Other Jefferson County court records may be found in series L346 Miscellaneous court records.
L 234: Jefferson County Justice of the Peace Court Case Files, 1831-1917
The series contains the files of cases heard before the Justice of the Peace Court for Jefferson County from approximately 1831 to 1917. The files contain complaints; summons; petitions; orders; depositions and affidavits; decrees, verdicts and judgments rendered; and bills of costs. Other Jefferson County court records may be found in series L232 and L346.
L 346: Miscellaneous Court Records from Jefferson County, 1828-1955
Note: A portion of this series containing sharecropper contracts has been digitized and is available on Florida Memory as the Jefferson County Freedmen's Contracts Collection.
This series consists of a variety of court records maintained by the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Jefferson County. Some of the records originated in the Circuit Court; for others the court of origin is unclear. The majority of the records in the series fall into one of the following categories: account records, bills, and promissory notes; affidavits; bonds; court case files; commitment records; coroner's inquests; deeds and mortgages; dockets; election records; freedmen's contracts; juror and witness records; naturalization records; oaths; petitions; probate records; property records; subpoenas; tax records; warrants; or writs. A few other miscellaneous records are also included in the series, such as appointments, Board of County Commissioner's records, bridge and road construction records, correspondence, decrees, records of estrays, licenses, records of marks and brands, orders, plats, slave sale records and summons. For a complete list of record types included in the series, see the collection's catalog record.
This series also includes files of probate records relating to the Bellamy family of Jefferson County, early settlers of territorial Florida. The records relate to the estates of John Bellamy (or Bellame, died 1845) and two of his sons, Abram (1800-1839, also called Abraham) and William (1802-1846). Members of the large Bellamy family were leaders in the political and social life of territorial Florida, serving as Territorial Legislators and active in the founding of the city of Jacksonville.
L 27: Index to the Register of Legal Instruments Filed with the Tallahassee City Clerk's Office, 1825-1897
This collection contains an index to the register of legal instruments filed from 1825 to 1897 for the City of Tallahassee. The index lists the name of the grantor and grantee; legal documents filed such as deeds, mortgages, powers of attorney, etc.; the date of record; and comments.
L 30: Leon County Will Books, 1839-1947
The series consists of the will records of Leon County, Florida from 1839 to 1947. The series contains five volumes of will books (1839-1912; 1935-1947) and microfilm copies of four volumes (1839-1935). Volume A of this series has two paper copies. The first is the original book as kept by the court at the time of registering the wills; the second is a "true and perfect copy" executed in 1886. Volumes B and E are the originals as kept by the court and Volume F is composed of photostatic copies of wills and associated documents. Volumes C and D are available on microfilm only. A name index is included in each volume.
L 50: Superior and Circuit Court Minutes for Leon County, 1824-1887
This series consists of microfilm copies of Superior Court and Circuit Court minutes for Leon County, Florida, from 1824 to 1887. The minutes consist of a record of the proceedings of the two courts. Many instruments are copied verbatim into the minutes, including motions, orders, judgements, and writs. Most of the volumes contain an index.
L 52: Leon County Deed Records and Indexes, 1825-1942
The series contains microfilmed copies of the indexes to the deed records (1825-1939) and the deed record books (1825-1901) for Leon County. Deed Record, Book X is incorrectly labeled Mortgage Record, Book X. It also includes the indexes to the mortgage record books (1825-1942) and the mortgage record books (1879-1888).
L 53: Leon County Marriage Records, 1825-1942
The series consists of microfilmed copies of the marriage records for Leon County from 1825 to 1955. It includes bound marriage record books and loose marriage records which are mostly divided by race and sex. It also contains indexes to the marriage records divided also by race and sex.
L 54: Tallahassee Cemetery Records, 1835-1989
The collection consists of microfilmed copies of cemetery records from city cemeteries in Tallahassee. The collection includes records of interment (1835-1938) from White Cemetery; burial records (1931-1989) from Oakland Cemetery; burial records (1956-1989) from Roselawn Cemetery; and a list of names compiled from grave markers by a Boy Scout troop from the Old City Cemetery. The records may include the name of the deceased, the place of death, the date of burial and the name of the undertaker.
L 60: Leon County Chancery Records, 1825-1945
This series consists of the chancery records maintained by the County Court of Leon County, Florida from 1825 to 1945. The series includes case files (1842-1945), chancery order books (1829-1889), and an index to chancery cases (1825-1935).
Chancery or equity are terms used to describe court proceedings pertaining to impartial justice between two parties which claim conflict. In chancery cases a person seeks to compel someone to do something or to stop or refrain from doing something. Chancery courts handle divorces, foreclosures of liens, receiverships, partitions, trusts, real property controversies, etc. The case files in this series primarily concern divorces and injunctions.
L 61: Leon County Superior and Circuit Court Case Files, 1825-1944
This series contains the files of cases heard before the Superior Court (1825-1845) and the Circuit Court (1845-1944) of Leon County, Florida. The files contain court papers such as complaints, summons, petitions, orders, depositions, affidavits, decrees, verdicts, judgments rendered and bills of costs. The series includes an index covering the years 1825 to 1935.
L 69: Census of Leon County, 1825
Note: The 1825 Leon County Census is available online on Florida Memory in its entirety.
This collection consists of the census return for Leon County, Florida, dated 1825. The information listed includes the name of the head of the family, the number of white males over 21 years, the number of white males under 21 years, the number of white females over 21 years, the number of white females under 21 years and the number of slaves. The return also includes the totals for each category.
L 76: Leon County Letters Testamentary, Administration and Guardianship Records, 1841-1947
This series consists of records of testamentary, administration and guardianship from 1841 to 1947 from Leon County, Florida. The records include original letters of guardianship books (1889-1947) and microfilm copies of letters testamentary, administration and guardianship (1841-1928). The records include letters of appointment, court orders, oaths, bonds and annual returns. The records are indexed.
Letters testamentary are the formal instruments of authority and appointment given to a person by the probate court, giving him the powers of executor of a decedent's will. The executor carries out the directions and requests of the will and disposes of the decedent's property.
Administration records concern people who died intestate--having no valid will and thus no provisions for their estate. These records document the appointment by the court of an administrator for such an estate.
The need for a guardian usually occurs when a decedent is survived by minor children who by law are not considered capable of managing their own lives. Thus, the court appoints a guardian to assume the parental responsibilities of the decedent.
L 345: Leon County Probate Files, 1827-1974
This series consists of microfilm copies of probate files from Leon County, Florida, from circa 1827 to 1974. These files consist of various records pertaining to the probate process, including court orders and petitions, wills, and guardian and administration records. Two index reels are also included.
L 350: Leon County Court Minutes, 1825-1833
The minutes of the Leon County Court contain hearings on chancery matters exceeding twenty-five dollars and appeals from the Justice of the Peace Courts of Leon County. The court also determined the support of indigent or orphaned citizens, as well as where roads were to be layed out and by whom. The County Court also set the tax schedule for county taxes assessed and collected and supervised the expenditure of county monies.
L 355: Leon County Sherriff's Office - Wanted Criminal Announcements, 1891-1906
This series consists of announcements publicizing crime suspects and escaped prisoners sought by law enforcement authorities across the United States, including Florida. The announcements, some handwritten and some printed handbills or broadsides, sometimes include sketches or photographs of the fugitive. Each usually provides name of fugitive; crime; amount of reward; fugitive's age, physical description (height, weight, race, complexion, hair color, manner of dress, gait, distinguishing features, etc.), and behavioral traits; and name of officer or office to contact. Fugitives were wanted for crimes ranging from murder, "criminal abortion," robbery, and prison escape to mail theft, embezzlement, forgery, and "runaway boy."/p>
These are photocopies of the originals, which are pasted onto the pages of a bound volume held by Leon County Sheriff's Office, Tallahassee, FL.
L 164: Madison County Deed Records, 1831-1910
This series consists of a microfilm copy of deed records for Madison County, Florida from 1831 to 1910. The series contains grantor and grantee indexes, deed record books, mortgage books, patent records, mortgage and lien assignments and military warrants.
L 165: Madison County Marriage Records, 1831-1974
This series consists of a microfilm copy of the marriage records for Madison County, Florida from 1831 to 1958. The series contains a general index to the marriage records (1831-1974), marriage records (1831-1930), marriage licenses (1881-1937) and loose marriage applications (1919-1958).
The general index is ordered alphabetically by male and by female.
L 173: Monroe County Deed Records, 1826-1927
This series consists of a microfilm copy of the deed records of Monroe County, Florida, from 1826 to 1927. The series includes deed records (1826-1886) and general indexes to deeds (1826-1927). Some of the deed books contain internal indexes as well. In the broadest sense, a deed (or conveyance) is a legal instrument by which real property is transferred from one party to another. Deed books contain many types of title conveyances and contracts. Among the most common types are warranty deeds, quitclaim deeds and deeds of gift.
Deed record books A through J (1826-1880) contain a variety of records in addition to deeds, such as bonds, powers of attorney, bills of sale, and marriage licenses (1826-1876). An index to the marriage licenses is located on microfilm reel 1 of series L174.
L 174: Monroe County Marriage Records, 1826-1945
This series consists of a microfilm copy of the marriage records of Monroe County, Florida, from 1826 to 1945. The series contains marriage licenses (1826-1945); marriage record books (1876-1931); loose affidavits, consents, licenses, and bonds(1829-1866); loose marriage licenses (1867-1927); loose marriage affidavits (1875-1927); and miscellaneous marriage records (1872-1876).
The miscellaneous marriage records consist of an index to a marriage book which is neither identified nor a part of this series; marriage licenses as recorded (1872-1876); and an index to these licenses. Also included are election returns from 1870. Additional records of marriage licenses dating from 1826 to 1876 are located in the deed record books of series L173. The indexes to those marriage licenses are contained in this series. These indexes are accessible by the surnames of both brides and grooms.
L 175: Monroe County Probate Records, 1826-1936
This series consists of a microfilm copy of the probate records of Monroe County, Florida, from ca. 1826 to 1936. The series contains records of wills (1888-1936) and filed probate documents (ca. 1826-1888).
The filed probate documents consist of the various probate records related to each specific estate, including guardianship and administration records. The record of will books are indexed.
L 177: Nassau County Deed Records, 1840-1935
This series consists of a microfilm copy of the deed records of Nassau County, Florida, from 1840 to 1934. The series includes direct and reverse indexes to deeds (1840-1934), deed records (1840-1890), mortgage records (1871-1888), and tax records (1869-1885). Also included are minutes of the Board of County Commissioners (1868-1875).
The tax books consist of an alphabetical list of taxpayers, with a description of their property, including acreage, the number of acres under cultivation, valuation of land, numbers and valuation of all classes of livestock, valuation of personal property and amount of state and county taxes to be paid, broken down into various types of funds. Other tax records in the series include tax sale certificates, ca. 1866-1870s (in Deed Record, Books E, K and M) and notices of tax collector's sales, 1869 (in Deed Record, Book K).
The minutes of the Board of County Commissioners record the proceedings of the meetings of the Commissioners. Subject matter includes local elections, county officials and employees, and county finances.
L 183: Orange County Deed Records, 1843-1937
This series consists of a microfilm copy of the deed records for Orange County, Florida from 1847 to 1937. The series contains indexes to deed record books by grantor and grantee (1847-1937), deed record books (1847-1887 and 1890), direct and indirect indexes to miscellaneous record books (1869-1937), and miscellaneous record books (1869-1883).
Deed Record Books A, B, C, F, G, and D are missing and were not microfilmed. The miscellaneous record books include leases, liens, divorces, brands, agreements, mortgages, and bonds.
St. Johns
L 196: St. Johns County Marriage Records, 1823-1953
This series consists of a microfilm copy of the marriage records for Saint Johns County, Florida from 1823 to 1953. The series contains marriage index cards (1903-1927), marriage bonds (1823-1833), marriage licenses (1830-1840), marriage records(1840-1953) and applications for marriage licenses (1915-1917, 1922-1924, and 1926-1927). The marriage index cards are arranged alphabetically by males and then by females. The page numbers in volumes 8-9 of the marriage records are not consecutive.
L 197: St. Johns County Probate and Court Records, 1784-1953
This series consists of a microfilm copy of the probate and court records for Saint Johns County, Florida from 1784 to 1953. The series contains a general probate index (1821-1953), East Florida Spanish wills (1784-1816), miscellaneous record books (1844-1896), will books and records (1844-1915), letters of administration (1840-1862), orders of the probate court (1866-1905), county court minutes (1846-1891), circuit court minutes (1827-1893), and a chancery book (1854-1885).
L 198: St. Johns County Circuit Court Records, 1763-1930
This series consists of a microfilm copy of the miscellaneous court papers for Saint Johns County, Florida from 1763 to 1930. The series contains court papers taken from 168 file drawers classified as records of (1) civil and chancery cases in circuit court; (2) all types of cases in the Territorial Superior Court; and (3) civil and criminal cases and miscellaneous papers in the Territorial County Court. Also included are volumes of court documents recorded after 1900.
While the earliest official record is dated 1821, after the United States had acquired Florida, numerous documents relate to the second Spanish occupation of the Province (1783-1821), and in one instance at least the change of sovereignty from Spain to Great Britain is reflected in the date 1763. Suit in the latter case was an action in ejectment and involved the Spanish law that an American citizen could not inherit lands in East Florida. The last date shown is that of 1930. Most of the records on the microfilm are from about 1821 to 1890.
The following is an example of the type of cases found in the records: actions of debt and of trespass; proceedings in ejectment, divorce and garnishment; bills for foreclosure; bills of sale; leases; prayers for injunctions and for partitions; writs of habeas corpus, replevin, and mandamus; petitions in bankruptcy; suits for slander and libel; petitions for admission to the bar, for a change in name, for adoption of children, for the appointment of guardians, for removal of disabilities, and petitions by women to become free dealers; liens and attachments; cases of adultery, murder, larceny, assault, rape, jail breaking, and election frauds.
Santa Rosa
L 201: Santa Rosa County Deed Records, 1834-1960
This series consists of a microfilm copy of the deed records of Santa Rosa County, Florida, from 1834 to 1960. The series contains direct and reverse general indexes to deeds (1834-1960) and deed records (1869-1901). In the broadest sense, a deed (or conveyance) is a legal instrument by which real property is transferred from one party to another. Deed books contain many types of title conveyances and contracts. Among the most common types are warranty deeds, quitclaim deeds, and deeds of gift.
Deed Record Book L consists entirely of deeds for which Oscar H. and Etta O. Secrist of Chicago, Illinois, are the grantors. All of the deed record books, except Book L, contain an internal index.
L 204: Santa Rosa County Plat Book, 1827-1909
This series contains a microfilm copy of a Santa Rosa County plat book from 1827 to 1909. The book documents the area of West Florida, later known as Santa Rosa County, as surveyed by the Surveyor General of the United States for the Territory of Florida and the State of Florida. The records include township survey maps, names of individuals who owned the land, and the date when land ownership was recorded.
L 224: Wakulla County Deed Records, 1835-1949
This series consists of a microfilm copy of the deed records for Wakulla County, Florida from 1835 to 1949. The series contains certified copies of record books (1842-1892), direct general indexes to deeds (grantor) (1835-1949), reverse general index to deeds (grantee) (1835-1949) and deed records (1892-1904). All of the records contain indexes.