Feby 12, 1867 Lewis Holley (F) to L.A. Holley Dr $ ct
[Expenses] paid from S. Carolina to Florida, 33.50
Feby 26, Paid W.N. May Board, 6.00
Feby 28, 1 pair pants, 2.75
Feby 28, 1 shirt, 1.50
Feby 28, 1 pair boots $2.50, one coat $2.50, 5.00
March 18, 1 pair pants $3.00, 1 [blanket] $5.00, 8.00
March 18, Plate 25 cts., 1 pair [drawers] $2.50, 2.75
March 18, 1 carpet sack $2.50, 1 pair pants $3.00, 5.50
March 18, Hat $1.50, 1 shirt 1.50, 3.00
April 25, 1 shirt 1.10, by cash in hand 50, 1.60
July 1, Medical bill 4.50, 1 shirt 1.50, pair shoes 3.00, [9].00
July 1, Medical bill paid W.N. May 3.75, 3.75
Oct 10, Blanket 4.00, 4.00
Credit 8 ¼ months work $11, deduct one hand sick
Bill of lost time from labor at 75 cts. per day
July 10, 1 Day .75; [July] 11, 1 Day .75; [July] 12, ½ [day], 37 ½ cts.; [total] 1.87 ½
July 18, 1 Day .75; [July] 20, 1 Day .75; [July] 22, 1 Day, .75; [July] 24, 1 Day .75; [total] 3.000
Aug 11, 1 Day .75; [Aug] 13, 1 Day .75; [Aug] 15, 1 Day .75; [Aug] 21, 1 Day .75; [total] 3.00
Aug 27, 1 Day .75; [total] .75
Sept 8, 1 Day .75; [Sept] 10, 1 Day .75; [Sept] 12, 1 Day .75; [Sept] 13, 1 Day .75; [total] 3.00
Oct 6, 1 Day .75; [Oct] 12, 1 Day .75; [Oct] 14, 1 Day [.75]; [Oct] 16, 1 Day .75; [Oct] 23, 1 Day .75; [total] 3.75
Oct 29, 1 Day .75; [total] .75
Nov 17, 1 Day .75; [Nov] 19, 1 Day .75; [Nov] 21, 1 Day .75; [Nov] 23, 1 Day .75; [total] 3.00
Dec 7, 1 Day .75; [Dec] 9, 1 Day .75; [total] 1.50
Amount carried forward $10[6].97 ½
Amount brought over 105.97 ½
Paid Jacob Johnson (F), 3.00
Paid Nonna Cole (F), 2.00
For cooking from 26 Febry [until] Dec 25 at 75 cts. per week, 30.00
[total] $140.97 ½
State of Fla
Jefferson County
This agreement made and entered into between L.A. Holley of the first part and the following [freedman], Lewis Holley of the [second] part do [bargain] and agree to live with L.A. Holley of the first part, on the Pettus Plantation and [diligently] and faithfully labor for him [during] the year one thousand eight hundred and sixty-seven, and do [further] agree to obey all direction and orders given by the said L.A. Holley of the first part and the said [freedman] Lewis Holley of the [second] part shall [be required] to pay for all [lost] time from work, and furthermore the said [freedman] of the [second] part shall in case that he should leave the employment of the said L.A. Holley [during] the term of this contract without just and [sufficient cause], shall [forfeit] all wages that may be due up to such time, and furthermore that the party of the [second] part shall be charged with the value of any tools he may [carelessly] or willfully [lose] or [destroy], and the said L.A. Holley of the first part in consideration agrees to [feed] the said [freedman] of the [second] part plentifully [crossed out: for the sum of what is just and right] and to give the said Lewis ($11) eleven dollars per month to be computed at that rate from [crossed out: May] April 24th, 1867 - or ($88) eighty-eight dollars for the year’s work.
All differences arising from this contract not individually settled are to be settled by Arbitration of two reliable citizens and the agent of the B.R.F. & A. Lands.
In testimony we have [hereinto] set our hands and seals this 7th of [February], 1867, on Dr. Pettus’ plantation [in] the county & state [aforesaid] in presence of _ _
W.N. May
J.C. Hamley
L.A. Holley (LS)
Lewis Holley [his X mark] (LS)
No. 180
L.A. Holley & Lewis, col'd.
Money wages
Approved April 8th 1867
A.B. Grumwell, Bt. Capt. & S.A. Com.
Feb 11th 1868.
Sent account of Lewis (Holley) for labor & what he had received to Asst. Com S. Cawlin (present status also) through Col. Sprague, A. Com., Dist. of Fla.