A Guide to Florida Governors and the Florida Cabinet
Reubin O'Donovan Askew

Thirty-seventh governor: January 5, 1971 to January 2, 1979
Party Affiliation: Democrat
Lt. Governor: Tom Adams (1971-1975); James Williams (1975-1979)
First Lady: Donna Lou Harper Askew
Florida Cabinet
Secretary of State:
Richard Stone (1971-1974)
Dorothy Glisson (1974-1975)
Bruce Smathers (1975-1978)
Jesse McCrary (1978-1979)
Dorothy Glisson (1974-1975)
Bruce Smathers (1975-1978)
Jesse McCrary (1978-1979)
Treasurer & Insurance Commissioner:
Commissioner of
Doyle Conner (1961-1991)
Attorney General:
Robert L. Shevin (1971-1979)
Commissioner of
Florida Photographic Collection:
- Images realted to Reubin O'Donovan Askew.
- Search Askew, Reubin O'D., 1928- in the Florida Photographic Collection.
Collections at the State Archives of Florida:
- RG 100 Office of the Governor
- RG 103 Governor (1971-1979 : Askew)
- S 51 Administrative Services correspondence, 1971-1978
- S 53 Personnel files, 1968-1978
- S 54 Dept. of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles correspondence, 1974-1978
- S 55 Administrative Services fiscal subject files, 1967-1978
- S 65 Speech files, 1971-1979
- S 66 Press recordings and news conference transcripts, 1971-1978
- S 67 Press files, 1971-1978
- S 70 Press Section correspondence, 1971-1978
- S 75 Finance and Taxation Section subject files, 1973-1978
- S 76 White House Conference on Balanced National Growth and Economic Development subject files, 1977-1978
- S 77 Dept. of General Services subject files, 1973-1975
- S 78 Legislative Affairs subject files, 1971-1978
- S 80 Legislative Affairs correspondence, 1971-1978
- S 83 Bill files, 1971-1978
- S 85 Legislative Liaison James B. Krog subject files, 1975-1978
- S 87 Sunshine Amendment subject files, 1970-1978
- S 90 Legal Affairs proposed legislation files, 1968-1977
- S 92 Legal Affairs subject files, 1971-1978
- S 93 Legal Affairs correspondence, 1971-1978
- S 94 Legal Affairs official misconduct investigation files, 1971-1978
- S 96 Executive clemency meeting files, 1971-1978
- S 101 Administrative Services special projects files, 1974-1978
- S 102 Dept. of Administration correspondence, 1976-1978
- S 103 Prosecution Coordination Office subject files, 1976-1980
- S 109 Prosecution Coordination Office legislative files, 1976-1979
- S 111 Social Services subject files, 1971-1979
- S 112 Social Services complaint correspondence, 1973-1976
- S 118 Executive Assistant Harvey Cotten, Jr. county files, 1971-1978
- S 119 Executive Assistant Harvey Cotten, Jr. subject files, 1971-1978
- S 122 Reading files, 1971-1978
- S 125 Education Coordinator correspondence 1969-1978
- S 126 Education Coordinator subject files, 1968-1979
- S 127 Education Coordinator college and university files, 1968-1978
- S 128 Education Coordinator county school board files, 1976-1978
- S 130 Executive Assistant Douglas Sessions subject files, 1974-1977
- S 132 Dept. of Transportation correspondence, 1971-1972, 1974-1978
- S 133 Executive Assistant Douglas Sessions correspondence, 1976-1978
- S 134 Dept. of Transportation subject files, 1971, 1974-1977
- S 136 Appointment and resignation files, 1971-1978
- S 138 Appointment recommendation files, 1971-1978
- S 147 Social Services issue correspondence, 1974-1975
- S 230 Legal Assistants subject files, 1972-1974, 1977-1978
- S 409 Trip files, 1970-1978
- S 413 Administrative Services scheduling subject files, 1969-1976
- S 480 Organized Crime Unit subject files, 1973-1976
- S 493 Professional Standards Review Organization application files, 1977-1979
- S 494 Cabinet agenda, 1970-1978
- S 495 Special Assistant Chester F. Blakemore subject files, 1973-1978
- S 497 Personal correspondence, 1949-1998
- S 631 Consumer Advisor Arthur J. England subject files, 1972-1973
- S 642 Administrative Services subject files, 1971-1978
- S 680 Public Service Commission correspondence, 1971-1978
- S 681 Special Assistant T. J. Rose subject files, 1977-1978
- S 686 Senior Staff Assistant Jim Smith subject files, 1971-1972
- S 757 General Counsel investigation files, 1970-1978
- S 761 General Counsel correspondence, 1972-1974
- S 778 Early Childhood Development subject files, 1972-1974
- S 849 Press Section subject files, 1940-1999
- S 854 General Counsel litigation files, 1969-1979
- S 867 Office of Planning and Budgeting budget files, 1972-1979
- S 939 Governmental Assistant Gregory B. Johnson administrative files, 1971-1972
- S 942 Senior Executive Assistant James W. Apthorp administrative files , 1971-1976
- S 945 Full-time equivalent enrollment files, 1973
- S 946 Special Assistant Marshall A. Harris reference files, 1971-1976
- S 947 Vetoed bill files, 1971-1978
- S 949 Governmental Assistant Joseph W. Landers subject files, 1968-1975
- S 950 Governmental Assistant Joseph W. Landers correspondence, 1970-1973
- S 951 Environmental Liaison Jim Minter administrative files, 1977-1978
- S 952 Governmental Liaison Kenneth D. Woodburn correspondence, 1971
- S 953 Governmental Liaison Kenneth D. Woodburn subject files, 1971-1978
- S 963 Special Assistant Ralph B. Parrish subject files, 1971-1973
- S 964 Energy subject files, 1975-1978
- S 966 Social Services subject files, 1976-1978
- S 969 Energy crisis correspondence, 1973-1974
- S 970 Legislative bill maintenance files, 1971-1978
- S 971 Legislative bill correspondence, 1975-1978
- RG 150 Dept of State
- RG 364 Division of Tourism
- RG 900000 Manuscripts
Other Repositories:
- Speeches, P.K. Yonge Library of Florida History, University of Florida.
- Interview, Southern Oral History Program, University of North Carolina.
- Interview, Samuel Proctor Oral History Program, University of Florida.
Published Materials:
- Harvey, Gordon. A Question of Justice: New South Governors and Education, 1968-1976. Tuscaloosa, Alabama: University of Alabama Press, 2002.
- Sanders, Randy. Mighty Peculiar Elections: The New South Gubernatorial Campaigns of 1970 and the Changing Politics of Race. Gainesville: University Press of Florida, 2002.
Related Links:
- Reubin Askew, Florida Governors' Portraits, Museum of Florida History.
- Reubin Askew, the Florida Governor's Mansion.