A Guide to Florida Governors and the Florida Cabinet
Sidney Catts

Twenty-second governor: January 2, 1917 to January 4, 1921
Party Affiliation: Prohibition
Lt. Governor: None
First Lady: Alice May Campbell Catts
Florida Cabinet
Secretary of State:
Clay Crawford (1902-1929)
J. C. (John Christian) Luning (1912-1928)
Commissioner of
William Allen McRae (1912-1923)
Attorney General:
Supt. of Public
William N. Sheats (1913-1922)
Florida Photographic Collection:
- Images related to Sidney Catts.
- Search Catts, Sidney Johnston, 1863-1936 in the Florida Photographic Collection.
- Video - Gov. Sidney J. Catts Inauguration.
Collections at the State Archives of Florida:
Other Repositories:
- Papers, University of West Florida.
Published Materials:
- Deal, John Ricard. “Sidney Johnston Catts: Stormy Petrel of Florida Politics.” MA Thesis: University of Florida, 1949.
- Lord, Dorothy. “Sidney J. Catts and the Gubernatorial Election of 1916.” Apalachee (1963-1967).
- Chance, Jean. “Sidney J. Catts and the Press: A Study of Editorial Coverage of the 1916 Governors Race.” MA Thesis: University of Florida, 1969.
- Flynt, Wayne. Cracker Messiah: Governor Sidney J. Catts of Florida. Baton Rouge, La: Lousiiana State University, 1977.
Related Links:
- Sidney Catts, Florida Governors' Portraits, Museum of Florida History.