A Guide to Florida Governors and the Florida Cabinet
Madison Starke Perry (1814-1865)

Fourth governor: October 5, 1857 to October 7, 1861
Party Affiliation: Democrat
Lt. Governor: None
First Lady: Martha Starke Peay Perry
Florida Cabinet
Secretary of State:
Fred Villepigue (1853-1863)
Charles H. Austin (1853-186?)
Florida Photographic Collection:
- Images related to Madison Starke Perry.
- Search Perry, Madison Starke, 1814-1865 in the Florida Photographic Collection.
Collections at the State Archives of Florida:
Other Repositories:
- Letters, P.K. Yonge Library of Florida History, University of Florida.
Related Links:
- Madison Starke Perry, Florida Governors' Portraits, Museum of Florida History.